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厂家直销 来图加工 厨房壁橱橱柜 整体橱柜批发 不锈钢厨柜

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最后更新: 2019-02-07 11:56
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(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:578
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    门板材质:美国橡木、南美樱桃木、俄罗斯水曲柳、不锈钢、pvc 台面材质:不锈钢 柜体材质:pvc 产地:广东 类型:开放型 颜色:可选择 导轨类型:阻尼导轨 柜体面板厚度:16、18mm(mm) 材质:pvc 尺寸:可定制 尺寸 可定制 导购推荐 加载中... 企业实景展示 以下照片由指定第三方公司于2014年01月实地上门拍摄,并经独立权威机构核实认证! 前一页 1张大图 5张大图 8张大图 1张大图 后一页 自定义内容 【订货流程】 1、网上和客服初步沟通,发平面图,设计师基本出图。 2、选择颜色和刀型、木材等。待瓷砖、吊顶安装完毕,设计师上门测量,外地自己师傅测量。 3、设计师测量后出精确图,客户认可,客户确认图纸并签字,双方签订买卖合同并付款(见下付款方式)。 4、签订合同后工厂安排生产工期,实木系列30-40天左右,烤漆系列25-30天左右,(节假日顺延) 5、生产完成后运输和安装见下付款方式。 【付款方式】 1)测量/设计前需要您现金支付1-100元定金(确认定单后从总货款里扣除,悔单不退),此步骤会开收据给您。 2)生产前,需要预付总额的50%货款,采用银行转账/银行汇款/现金/支付宝即时到帐方式。此步骤会和您签订正式的合同。注明产品均为定做。 3)产品做好后,我们会请您过来看成品,您确认无误后,现金结清50%余款,同时约定时间上门安装。建议客户把龙头水盆灶台等电器提前送到家中,安装时和橱柜一起配合安装,(外地客户,产品做好后,我们会拍照片给您看,此步骤需要您结清50%余款,然后物流发货) 【特别提示】 报价均为不含税出厂价,如需发票,需客户另付税点。 【售后服务】 本着诚信为本,方便客户的原则,本店所售产品保修1年。 备注:广东以内80-100元/平方米,广东以外100-130元/平方米,欢迎来电详谈! 快递 ¥480 成交评价 5个成交 5条评价 尺寸 可定制您可能也感兴趣:2 region-detail-feature 已选0个/0.00元 门板材质年。




    Wall cabinet:H650-700mm*D 300-350mm


    base cabinet:H800-850mm*D 550-580mm

    台面:550-600mm - (深度)

    Counter top:D550-600mm





    [ Cabinet ] : press the space consists of a wall cabinet, cabinet , decoration , high closet .
    Classified by material along with the popularity of the cabinets in the life of people , previously used as a moisture-proof board of the cabinet has been gradually to customer perceptions , moisture-proof board as a cabinet enclosure for a considerable number of customers has failed to meet the needs of customers quality , Eagle Netherlands furniture according to changes in the market three years ago, have adopted E1 environmental standards wood , plywood, backplane 5mm solid wood multi-layer Malacca board , not easily deformed more environmentally friendly, the backplane is easy to overlook a key component of many customers , but also directly related to the the key to the overall service life of the cabinet ( most businesses in order to reduce the cost of 3mm or 5mm thick MDF backplane ) .

    门板 Door material:


    Door : This kind of metallic paint cabinets multi-storey eco - board substrate instead of the traditional MDF polishing three primer surface after sanding and sides , three finishes, two polishing , baking barn . The advantages of paint door , no edge, overall good sense , good waterproof performance ( all kitchen cabinet door material waterproof ) . The surface is smooth and easy to take care of, not filth , the color choice is relatively large , colored board, any color can be done , bright colors, strong visual impact, very suitable for the tastes of young people , the lighting is poor choice.

    台面 Counter top:


    Countertops : This section cabinet table quartz stone countertops ; Eagle - Dutch furniture recommended 15mm quartz stone countertops , quartz stone countertops anti-scratch performance can not be met by other countertops .



    The foot : foot line , adjust the foot and connections . Adjust the foot commonly used two kinds of plastic and metal , usually using ABS plastic adjustable feet , each bearing 40kg ( black ) in the case of the kitchen floor is not level but also to ensure the cabinet level , the better . Pure PVC, solid wood , plywood baseboards, optional height ( 100/120mm )


    Hardware accessories : including genuine ( Blum, Dongtai DTC ) hydraulic door hinges , handles, rails, hanging code , other structural parts, decorative accessories , etc. ; Note : Blum, Hettich accessories are not pricing per meter range within .



    Function Accessories : sink , faucet , solid wood drawer , a variety of ( Granville everything ) basket, Lycra , racks, meter boxes, trash , etc.; Note: The accessories are not within the per meters pricing range .


    Appliances : range hood , disinfecting cabinet , refrigerator , stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher ; Note: The accessories are not per meter pricing range .


    Lamps : Shelf lights , roof lights , a variety of built-in , external cabinets special lights. Note: The accessories are not per meter pricing range .


    Strengths company has green production, advanced manufacturing technology , our products are factory direct sales , foreign trade partners are welcome to visit the factory , welcome to the online Customer drawings offer .

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