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    r r 一个经典的设计。提起郁金香椅,人们马上会想起他的形状,他的鼎鼎大名甚至还有他的椅腿。恰恰忘记他的创始人,芬兰人Eero Saarinen。芬兰设计师Eero Saarinen,一个对绘画和建筑着迷的人。他热爱简单流畅和向上流动的线条,厌恶把房间充斥的很满,让人眼花缭乱。50年代他开始执行他的使命:把住宅从乱七八糟的桌椅腿里解放出来。这个郁金香椅诞生了。70年代Eero Saarinen的椅子取得意想不到的成功。他提升了起居室的品位,并经常受邀出席纽约现代艺术博物馆的展出。他就是这样的被重视!
    rTulip Chair 郁金香椅,形状浑圆优雅,是 Eero Saarinen 最经典的作品之一, Eero Saarinen 透过这张椅子的设计试图让椅脚变得更简洁,摆脱传统椅子四个支撑脚的结构,使人们坐在这张椅子上腿部有更多的活动空间。同时,Eero Saarinen 也注意到了美观的设计,Tulip 形如一朵浪漫郁金香,也似乎像是一只优雅酒杯。
    r rrr A classic design. Filed tulip chair, people would immediately think of his shape, his famous and even the chair legs. Just forget he's the founder of Finn Eero Saarinen. Finnish designer Eero Saarinen, a fascination with painting and architecture. He loves the simple, smooth and upward mobility, lines, disgust flooded the room is very full, dazzling. In the 1950s he began to perform his mission: to liberate the residential from the mess of tables and chairs legs. The Tulip chair was born. 70 years eero saarinen chair made an unexpected success. Enhance the living room of taste, and often invited to attend the exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He is such a great importance.
    r The tulip chair tulip chair, rounded shape and elegant, is one of the most classic works of eero saarinen the, eero saarinen through the design of this chair trying to get the chair legs to become more concise, to get rid of the traditional chair and four support foot structure, to make people sit more room on the chair legs. , Eero saarinen also noted that the design of the beautiful, the tulip shaped like a romantic tulips, also seems like an elegant glass.



